So we had our Ward Soiree yesterday and it was a riot! This year it was held at the Sonnenbergs "little" Ranch. (The Sonnenbergs are a family in our ward) Alright, I'm being mendacious- The Ranch is HUGE! I would guess that the barn alone was 20,000 square feet, and sits in the middle of 44 acres of beautifully manicured land!

The top floor of the barn is home to numerous animals that Bro. Sonnenberg has killed! This darling little bear was a huge hit to Avery and myself.

Of course Troy loved the guns (Notice the sign under the gun... to dang funny!) Truthfully we could have stayed up there all night, playing ping-pong, watching the big screen T.V. or playing one of his FIVE guitars that sat up there basically untouched. Oh and he said those are is "old" guitars, his new "good"ones are at his house???

Anyway, I finally got Troy and Avery to came out of the barn, and we had some good grub. Then I rounded up all the little misses (cowboy talk) for a couple pics... Geez Amanda, you sure look TALL in this picture!!!

We tried to get a little creative for the next few pics and this is what we came up with... Wow we're sooooo wild!

Ride-um COWBOY!!!

Troy with Tombstone the horse...

Here I am with Mr.T... We are going to go back and ride the horses soon! I can't wait!!!

Save the best for last! After most of the ward had gone home, Bro. Sonnenberg brought out this bad boy! It was so much fun! He gave us all rides around his property. If you didn't eat any protein for dinner, you definitely got some driving around in that thing! I probably swallowed 10 bugs- SICK!!! But worth it, it was so much fun!

Jaylyn and Avery found a darling little barn cat, and NO we didn't take it home to try and find it a good home! Believe me, that cat lives in the lap of luxury!!! We want to live in that barn!
It was hard to leave. Avery was crying "I don't want to go home" and we didn't blame him. None of us really wanted to leave. He even woke up this morning and said "That party was fun Mom..." yes baby, that party was fun...
That was a awesome time last night! I'm glad we all stayed longer. Sorry I didn't come to drop off Tay, I will call you later!
Good times, I love the dunebuggy rides. Beautiful land, just makes you happy.
Gees, I must have missed out on the best part; having to go home and take care of myself trying to plan the WHOLE event with Baby Ruth and all...glad you had a good time, though sounds like due to nothing our committee actually did!! Rub a dub dub thanks for the grub...
sounds like you had an awesome time! The pictures are way cute and you are beautiful as always. I love that you and your girlfriends always make it a priority to get pictures and I'm going to try to be better about that starting tonight at our ward FHE elder's quorum party... We'll see if I'm successful. You are such an inspiration! And, you're looking great!
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