Saturday, January 6, 2007

A busy day, minus a husband...

Sadly, Troy left for Texas this morning, leaving behind his wife, two of his children, and his d.o.g. He'll be gone for 8 days!!! This is the longest time we've ever been apart! My heart aches for him, and it hasn't even been 24 hours, I'm already telling him to hurry home! This pic of us was taking last night, during happier times!!!

But the show must go on, and it did, very, very, very slowly. Our day started early. Kasey, Avery and I went to our friends daughters Baptisms. It was very nice. I love it after the girls get Baptised, and they go put on their beautiful, new white dresses. They always look so darling, and they come out so proud, and excited. I can't wait to see Hallie, in her beautiful white dress, after she is Baptised...

Then it was off to a bridal shower, for my friend Kalie. She is so darling!!! She met her fiance here, while he was on his mission. I know that doesn't sound right? But that darn love bug can bite ya no matter where you are, and no matter what you're doing!!! Anyway, he is from Kanab, Utah- they were going to move there, but it looks like her Mommy (The Relief Society Pres. And my good friend) got her way, they're staying here! Staying here, can you imagine, actually CHOOSING to stay here!!! Inconceivable!!!! Ha Ha, just kidding friends from Illinois reading this blog!~ Love this place, it's great, really!

Then it was home for a much needed nap for Avery! Man he is seriously going through that terrible, horrible, no good very bad stage, age 2.

To the mall, yes we drove all the way (20) minutes to the mall, for nothing! I didn't find what I was looking for, and Avery was still a little on the naughty side, and Kasey was late for a party, so she complained the whole time, lovely, just lovely! Dropped Kasey off at he party, and as if this day couldn't get any better, Avery and I watched "The Polar Express"?????????

Has anyone else seen this movie? Am I the only one that thought someone had drugged their drink before watching it? It was horrible! And the really horrible part is that We watched the ENTIRE MOVIE!!!

Well, we need to go pick Kasey up from her party! Avery is half asleep, and I can't wait to climb into by big empty bed! Well, I mean my bed won't really be EMPTY, per-say, Avery and Kain will be there. Maybe Kasey too, if she wants!

Good night, love you all


Kandace said...

Mae mae,
The Polar Express is one of my favorite movies. I probably watched it over 30 times during the month of December. I bet Avery loved it!!! Next year the two of you should watch it with me, before Christmas this time.
Tell my buddy I love him.
Love you auntie Mae mae

Amanda said...

I totally agree with you about The Polar Express!! I thought it was such a boring movie! We saw it at the theatre with the kiddos and I was about to fall asleep--several times, pretty sad for the middle of the day. Anyway, you are not alone. I will not be purchasing a copy of that movie EVER.

Kandace said...
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Kandace said...

Meg nog,
Yes!!! I'm saying I loved the movie. I loved how the characters looked so real and I especially loved the music. The movie kind of made me feel like a child again being excited for Christmas eve. I've heard the book is really good. Maybe you would like that better.
Love you!!!