Sunday, March 30, 2008

'Stands with a baby'~Kandace's Indian name...

We went to dinner last night to celebrate my darling sis-in-laws birthday!
Her actual "Birth" was on the 27Th, but Troy was out of town (I know rare?) so we had to postpone the party to last night...
Happy Birthday Dear Kandace. We are so thankful to be home and able to celebrate with you!
We love you!
So before I get too far away from the picture above, let me explain...
Our beautiful daughter Hallie has been reading a Biographical book about
Sacajawea. She has to give a report 'as her' tomorrow at school. She will dress up as Sacajawea and tell about her life. I wish I could be there to watch her, she's going to do GREAT!
So anyway, at dinner last night we sat in a room that was completely painted in wilderness, trees, cabins, ships, tee-pees etc. So I felt it only fitting to take Hallie's picture in front of the Indians...
Here's the birthday girl and her favorite sis-in-law...

A shot on the stairs. I don't know why my husband is not standing by me? But our little son is definitely acting just like his father!

Input construction worker whistle...

Just the gals...we took some much cutter pics on other cameras...
there's no goofy stuff on mine.

And of course the "couples" shot... the pic is a little blurry but still very cute!
We hope you had a nice birthday Kan... we just love you so much! And we always have such a great time when we're together!
And thanks again to Nana and Papa for dinner...

Monday, March 24, 2008

The search for the "Golden Egg"

My husbands Grandpa is an old cowboy. He grew up with horses and has a million stories about them. I could listen to him talk about horses all day!
And usually, when we're with him, that's exactly what he talks about!
So the other day, we drove by this horse pasture that was home to about seven horses.
Two of the horses were laying down and they looked dead! We were on our way to have brunch with Grandma and Grandpa and some other family members.
So I asked Grandpa if he thought the horses could be dead? He said we should go check on them after we ate.
When we got there, only one horse was still laying down. I thought for sure he was dead! So Grandpa gave a big cowboy whistle and the horse got right up! We were all so happy!
The darling horse pictured above just let me play with her hair and loved to be scratched on her neck. What a cutie!!!

Earlier that morning (before brunch) we had taken the kids to an Easter egg hunt at a huge farm. Avery and Jett loved it! Here they are sharing their loot!

Avery and Daddy at brunch, eating a Belgian waffle...

The next night, Kas and Avery colored eggs. Kas didn't want me to post her picture from that night because she didn't think she looked good? Hummmmm, wonder where she gets that from???
Anyway, the eggs looked great! I can't wait to make deviled eggs with them!

Usually on Holidays we split our time with my fam and with my husbands.
But this year, due to a time conflict, we spent all of Easter with Troy's family.
One of the "Doezie" Easter traditions is to go to a park for an Easter egg hunt. Ty and Nico go a few minutes before the rest of us and hide toys, money, and candy.
Then the kids run around the park, and load up yet ANOTHER basket!

This year Nana and Papa added a hunt for the adult couples. So Ty, Nico, Tyler, Kandace, Troy and myself ran around looking for eggs. One of the eggs held a "Golden Egg" which was the grand prize. Of course Ty found the coveted Golden egg because he CHEATS!
He and Nico won movie tickets, popcorn, drinks and candy!
Congrats NICO...

Avery and Jett are so darling!

And what would a party be without a very competitive game of Ping-Pong between brothers?
Troy just spanks Ty over and over again!
Ty just can't seem to find his rhythm when he plays Troy! Oh well, better luck next time TY...

Here's the fam after a wonderful day of food, fun and games!
(Of course Kasey and Jaylyn are no where to be found?)
We love you all and want to again thank Nana and Papa for sharing their beautiful home with us and our messy, rowdy kids!

And just one more thing, about the Ping-Pong game...........................Ty beats Troy almost every time they play!
There are you happy now TY!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Four Weddings and a lot of dead deer...

Okay, so it was only one wedding but you get what I was going for......right???
Try and stay with me here... My oldest brother Grig is married to a beautiful woman named Paula. One of her daughters got married this weekend.
So the above picture is of my brother Grig and two of my three sisters, Cara and Colby at the reception...
And it was a beautiful reception. Her colors were lime green and turqoise and it was GORGEOUS!
The bride (Brooke) tied a lime green satin sash around her dress and wore turqoise stilletos, she was beautiful!
I also need to mention that her wedding photos were some of THE VERY BEST I HAVE EVER SEEN! I don't personally know the photographer but I picked up one of her cards...
If you know of anyone looking for a great photog, in Utah, I would recommend checking her out!
Here are a couple more pics from the reception. I have to take pictures of Kas and Jaylyn by themselves, because they are way too cool to sit by their family???
Good thing they're so cute!

left to right
(Jake, Cara, Mike, Colby, Paula, Grig, Troy, Avery, Me, Mom, Dad, Hallie)

So today we went to the Outdoors show.
For all of you that are unaware of the fact that my Dear Husband, his bro.Ty, bro-in-law Tyler, and Grandpa Hinckley are all COLD BLOODED KILLERS!

Yes, I married into a family of HUNTERS! So we spent the day looking at dead animals, guns, boats, lab puppies, safes, tents, and of course every White, Black, or Hispanic 'trashy' person that inhabits this great state! I made all of my family wear whatever camo clothing they had and we fit right in!

But really, it was a lot of fun. Anytime we get to spend with family is fun!
Kandace, your face in this picture is TOO DANG FUNNY!
I laugh everytime I look at it!

And last but not least, Avery and Jett have the best seats in the house! They are watching the 'Dog-Splash' show and loving every minute of it!
Happy Hunting!

Monday, March 10, 2008

This family has gone to the DOGS!

February 28Th marked the 57Th Wedding anniversary for my Mom and Pop!
We celebrated with a dinner party and of course my Mom's very favorite
If throwing a party at her house means there will be cake, she will do it!

A few days later my Mom saw yet another opportunity for cake, my sister Cara's birthday! We had her and her family over and my Mom made another cake!
As a matter of fact, I just took a small break in writing this to eat a piece!
I'm trying to limit myself to one piece a day...
Anyway, happy Anniversary and Birthday
We have also kept busy going to basketball games. I have even started playing again,
CHURCH BALL... it's been brutal!
I'll post more later on that subject!

We were driving around looking at homes the other day and stopped over at Kandace and Tyler's house. Or should I say 'Diesel and Turbo's' house!

Diesel and Turbo are Kan and Tyler's two HUGE Great Danes!

When I look at our dog Kain, when he's not around these two giants, I think he's pretty big. I mean he weighs 85 pounds! But just look how tiny he looks next to them!
Kain can literally walk underneath Diesel (the black dog)
It's just crazy to me! And they are the sweetest dogs you could ever meet! They might knock you over and whip you with their tails, but it wouldn't be on purpose... They just want you to scratch them and love them!

Then we took a break from the dogs and played with Kandace's tummy!

Then it was back to the dogs! This is Troy's brother Ty giving his little baby
'Roxy' a bath.

And here are Daddy and Avery getting ready to wash Kain. This place was AWESOME!
It's called "Dirty Johnson's Dog Wash"
You wash your dog in a tub that is raised off the ground so you don't have to bend down or get on your knees. Each tub is equiped with a high pressured warm water hose. They have all types of shampoo and conditioners, ear cleaner, polish for nails- you name it!
After they're all clean you blow dry your dog with these giant hoses, that blow out warm air and then you brush them and spray them with doggie cologne!
Avery absolutely loved it! Kain, however didn't! But he's so clean and smells so good!