Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Painting, part 2

Troy, Avery and I, drove out to the Chicago Temple this morning to pick up "The Painting" It was so freezing, and I honestly didn't think we would be able to fit it in our truck, but we did. We were even able to shut the hatch, thank goodness! If we would have had to drive all the way home with the back open, we would have froze to death!!

Anyway, here it is. It actually looks more faded in these pictures than it really is! WE are so very excited to have this painting, not only because my Dad painted it, but because it hung in the Chicago Temple for about 20 years! What a great story! What a blessing it is, to have grown up surrounded by paintings of our Lord, and Angels, and Apostles, etc... It's hard to explain how I feel about my Dad. I love him so very much, and I am so proud of him, and the amazing work he has done for The Church. Everyday, I do all I can to make him proud of me, I am eternally grateful to him, for his faith and willingness to help build up the Kingdom of God. I am so proud to be his daughter...

And just one more thing, we didn't know what painting they were replacing this one with, so you could imagine our JOY to hear, it was replaced with the same painting!!!

This painting hangs in every Temple in the world, by Grant Romney Clawson, my Dad...


Amanda said...

Oh my gosh!!
I love it that you guys were able to get your dad's painting from the temple. Definitely worth that long ole' drive, huh? Wow, it's beautiful, even if it is a little faded. Where are you going to hang it? Awesome! :)

Anne said...

I love your dads work. He is so incredibly talented! My grandpa (Scott) has a few small paintings of his hanging up at his house and I admire them every time I'm there.

Chelsea said...

Yeah!! You got it. I was so worried that they wouldn't call you or something would happen. It is HUMONGOUS!! Where are you going to hang it? Lucky you!

colby said...

Well, that's one way to get one of dads paintings! Pretty amazing if I must say so myself. We have the greatest dad in the whole wide world!
love ya lots,
Colby (Mary in this picture)