Friday, March 30, 2007


For those of you that don't know what "Happy Mail" is I will explain. Are you ever sick and tired of only receiving junk mail and bills, every time you get the mail? Well my girlfriends Amanda and Chelsea where, so they decided to start sending "Happy Mail." Happy Mail consists of things like stickers, cards, chocolate, really anything girlie, inexpensive, and meant to make you feel happy when you open that mail box! This is my latest Happy Mail gift from Amanda! Well, she sent the cards in the mail (Hand made by herself!!!) but the cinnamon rolls she delivered in person, also hand made by herself and absolutely DELICIOUS And SINFUL!!! Amanda thank you, again...

Anyway, As you may have heard, a very important "KEY PLAYER" in my happiness here in Illinois, is moving to Utah. Yes Chelsea (pictured above) is headed West, to the Promise Land, a.k.a. ZION- and she is leaving behind many woman who not only love her, but NEED her in their lives (Me especially!!!) It's hard to even write about this because it's making it more real!

So the other night (The 27th) Amy and Amanda, put together a Roller Skating party, in Chelsea and her families honor. It was a great way for other families to spend some time with them and say goodbye. They rented out the entire building, and invited many families from the ward to come skate.

It was a RIOT!!! Avery wasn't sure at first if he was going to even put the skates on, but with a little sweet persuasion, he finally gave in and we where off to the races! Well Kas and I where, Avery and Dad took it easy in the middle most of the night. Troy had never put on roller blades, so it was a little slow going for him! He was happy to inch around the floor with Avery, but Kas and I, and my (competitive nature) couldn't drive 55, so we started racing as fast as we could go! After a couple laps I was feeling a little "Show- offy" and I ate it HARD!!! I don't know what happen but before I knew it I was going down, in the splits I hit my knee first then I tried to soften the fall with my hand and ended up almost spraining my wrist!!! Then, to add insult to injury, the "referee guy" that skates around with a whistle, making sure everyone is following the rules, comes over and says "Are you ok?" (Dumb question!) Yes, I replied, (An even DUMBER reply!) Because I was not ok, I was hurt, especially my pride! "Then you need to get up off the floor. Get on your knees first then stand." I was like "Dude, my knee is what hurts the most!!!"
Thankfully, the crowd that had gathered around me, stopped laughing for a minute and helped me up! I think Kasey was more embarrassed than I was!

All and all, it was a great time. I'm still amazed at the "closeness" of our ward. It's just so different here, than it is in Utah. In Utah, you have your extended family to depend on. But here, it's like everyone is away from their extended families, so they depend on their "Ward Family" It's hard to explain how different it is, you really have to live on both sides. I think Chelsea will bring a really wonderful new DYNAMIC (relating to or tending towards change or productive activity) to her new Ward. I hope they realize quickly, how very blessed they are to have them!!!


Anne said...

Amanda made those cards? They are so stinking cute! Lucky you...and those "sin-a-rolls" look absolutely divine. I probably shouldn't even look at food right before lunch, I'm FAMISHED!

Avery looks so excited to be on those skates (they're so teeny!!). That party looks like a total blast, too bad it was a little bittersweet with Chelsea leaving. I hope you recover quickly from your fall. Have a great weekend!

Amanda said...

Amy is making her rolls for conference gotta tell her how gooooooooood mine are. Or are you just saying that? They are totally fat free!! Can you believe it?!?!?

Chelsea said...

Meggy--I love this post. I love the picture of you and me together--we are so glam i love it! I will miss you too. How could I not miss such a big ole stinky onion like you??

Jill said...

You looked great during your fall :) and totally took it like a pro!

Stefanie said...

Okay so i'm totally loving the cards from Amanda. Thanks for posting the photos of the party- I wish I could have been there!