If you had the misfortune of seeing or speaking to me in the last two weeks, please except my deepest apologies! I was a NIGHTMARE, I know, I haven't felt that off balance in a very long time! I guess I had bitten off more than I could chew (pun-intended)

Anyway, after two very long weeks of being a foster family, we found the perfect home for ABBY!!!!!!! A darling couple that have no kids or other animals!!! They came over yesterday to see her and it was love at first sight! They took her on a walk around the block (which I thought for sure would sway them to NOT want her because she's so WILD outside!) but they came back and said "We love her, we want her!" OH MY GOSH, I am so happy I can hardly stand it! I'm so excited to get back to my very simple life and routine.

So they're coming back tonight after work to get her. If they happen to NOT show up, don't bother trying to contact me, I will no longer be in service... Just kidding, I made them promise on their lives that they would return for her, and they will. And for insurance purposes only, I know where he works! (wink-wink)

This is KAIN, showing you just how happy he is...

So I started thinking about all of the animals that Troy and I have tried to rescue since we met almost six years ago. The first animal was Kain. We drove by this parking lot that had been turned into a giant kennel. Troy said "Let's just stop for a sec and see if they have a Boxer. And oh yes they did. There he was in all his glory, just waiting for us to rescue him. He had actually been returned TWO times to that shelter before we came along! Can you imagine someone giving up on Kain???? He's the best dog in the world! He's an angel! We feel so lucky to have found him! Then came the Rat Terrier that we found wondering in the street with no tags. We searched for days for her owner, we called every place we could think of and went to every Vet in a ten mile radius from where we found her. By dumb luck, my friend Shannon's Brother took his dog to the vet, and over heard someone talking about a lost dog, which just happened to be the dog we had! The lady was so thankful she was just bawling when we gave the dog back to her! It wasn't even her dog, she was actually watching him for her best friend while she was on vacation!

Next it was a little Pitt puppy, pictured above with Kain, (with the same expression he always has when we bring another dog into HIS house!) Anyway, this sweet little girl who we named Jezebel was the last of a litter of pups that our neighbors Mom had bred. She couldn't find a home for her and she didn't know what she was going to do with her? She had been living in a box in a home where five other full grown Pitt Bulls picked on her! Who knows what would have happened to her, so we asked if we could keep her and she said yes. Within a couple days we found a great home for her.

Then came the baby bird that was laying in the middle of the street right by our house. We took her in, and Jaylyn and Kasey tried for two days to nurse her back to health. They would smash up worms and try to feed her with a little syringe, it was a so sweet. I was so proud to see their love and compassion for animals. Sadly she died the next day, quietly in a little box which double for her casket. We buried her in our yard and had a little funeral for her, conducted by Jay and Kas.

And the last animal of-course is Abby. I think she'll be the last one for a very long time! (I hope)But I guess you never know when another little helpless animal will need rescuing... Hence the title of this post "The Angelina Jolie of animals" My friend Jill honored me with that title the other day, thanks Jill, I love it! Being compared to Angelina in any way is a compliment to me!
So in closing I would like to thank all of you for all that you have done and all that you will do, to try and make a difference in an animals life! There is an astronomical number of animals that need homes. In this area alone there are 750,000 that are homeless or in shelters! Please adopt animals from shelters and foster families!!!!! I think Bob Barker said it best, Please help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered....Goodbye everybody!
I am so happy for you! Now will you let me come visit teach you? Haa!Haa! I love ya Meg!
I am glad to hear that Abby has a home away from yours. You have been kind of crabby lately! :) Glad that you will be in better spirits now!!
Yea!!! That is exciting! I am glad you can get back to normal now Angie, I mean Megan.
Yay bye bye bad doggie!
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