Ok, here's the story. Hallie, for the last couple years- has complained about a pain in her chest. She usually gets it after or during physical activity. She had gone to see the Dr. last year for it, but he didn't leave us a very clear picture on exactly what it was, or how dangerous it was or anything? So we decided it was time to get another opinion.

The first test they ran was an E.K.G. It basically reconfirmed what the Dr. had said about her heart. If you've "never" seen a person get an E.K.G.- all they do is stick little stickers on your arms, chest and legs and then hook the wires to each sticker, then it monitors your heart function throughout your body. Pretty cool.
After that, it was down to the X-ray machine. She was wearing a shirt that had rhinestones on it, so she had to change into this robe. We all thought she looked like the Avatar or Princess Le- aha from Star Wars. Anyway she looked darling so in-between the "Rays" I snapped a pic.
So here she is with her very cool X-rays. The Dr. said everything looked great, but as an extra precaution, they send the X-rays to some "Specialized" place that will make sure! So what was it? Basically growing pains??? Crazy? I guess it's actually pretty common in growing children to feel pain in there chest during and or after activity. She said it was just the muscles and the bones aching?

yeah, for healthy happy kids we can enjoy in our lives.
I hope you washed that burger down with a yummy Chocolate shake!!!
Meg, you look hot! Seriously, you are looking good. Now, if you would just get your keister out here in December....
What a fun story! Way to go Hallie. I am so glad that everything is okay..She is so dang cute! And you got a yummy meal out of the whole deal.
yea hallie! i love a story with a happy ending!
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