Saturday, August 11, 2007

Our Hearts are at Home...

Last week, we flew to Utah to meet our newest little nephew ~Mavryk Blu~ He is pictured above in his Mommy's tummy, along with his Daddy and big brother Jett. Baby "Mav" was born August 1, 2007..........He courageously battled a kidney disease that would end his little life on this earth. We are so grateful to have been able to meet Mavryk, to hold him and love him. To kiss his little face, and feel is soft little peach fuzz shoulders. Kan and Ty- thank you for allowing us that time with your little angel... We love you all.

It was a very fast week for us, it always is when we go home. We had so many things to do while we were there and we didn't finish half of them! But even with that said, it was so good to be home! I tried to post just a few of the pictures from the weeks events...

I always take a million pictures of Jett and Avery when we have them together. They only get to see each other a couple times a year, so it's very important to me.

My Dad celebrated his 80th Birthday!!!! Yikes! If you notice the cake reads "90th" birthday? No it wasn't a mistake, he wanted it to say that. Why? Well, My Dad's Dr. told him he wouldn't live to see his "90th" birthday, so he decided to prove him wrong and celebrate it anyway!
Very funny Dad, very funny! I love it, but I want to be there for your REAL 90th! I hope it was a great birthday Dad! I was so happy to be there to help celebrate with you! I miss you terribly!!!

This picture is of my niece Nikki and me. For some reason we hardly ever take pictures together? So from now on, we will take pics every time we see each other! I miss you too Nik... Not that you'll ever see this, because for some reason you don't read my blog???? How rude!

Trista (niece) Me, Steph (future sis in law) Colby (yellow shirt, favorite sis) Cara (back row, another favorite sis) Nikki ( niece, best friend, worst blog follower)

Jett and Avery, ready for the movie to start! Troy and I hadn't seen a movie in a theatre for THREE YEARS! So it was a real treat to see "Underdog" in the theatre! It was also Avery's first movie in a theatre... Yeah, we need to get out more!

Of course we went to our very favorite restaurant PAGODA, twice!!! Thanks Nana and Papa! I also want to make mention of Troy's brother Ty's girlfriend, that we met for the first time on this trip. Her name is...................MEGAN!!!! Can you believe it? We have the same name. Why do I think this is a big deal? Because if they get married, she TOO will be MEGAN DOEZIE! So we call her "number two." Anyway, we really love her, and welcome her with arms wide open! Even if it means sharing my name!


The fam outside of Pagoda...

The Corvette! My son Avery is almost three years old. He is yet to be potty trained, and still drinks milk like it's going out of style. But he can spot and name every Corvette, Mustang, Jeep, Hummer, Mini Cooper, and Harley he sees on the road. Whether driving or parked, he yells out the car or bikes name!
So you can imagine the tremendous joy he must have felt, when Papa pulled out the Corvette so that he could take a ride! He was elated!!! Troy said the entire time they were driving he would say "Go faster Daddy!"

These are pictures of a very "dry" Little Cottonwood Creek. This is actually Nana and Papa's back yard. They were down there bringing up very heavy rocks, for a very special reason that I can not disclose at this time.


We went to a children's museum at the Gateway Mall that was just as much fun for Nana, as it was for the kids...

The future in News broadcasting...

We had the pleasure of dropping by our friends Chelsea and Mike's house. We met them here in Chicago, but they now live in Utah. It was so great to see them, and have a chance to talk and laugh, and laugh, and laugh... I love you Chels, I miss laughing with you...

Here I am, pictured forever on the wall of shame, I mean "Fame"

Whenever were in Utah, we try to make it up to LaCaille
The girls love to sip on virgin daiquiris and eat chocolate dipped strawberries and eclairs!

Avery, however prefers to drink straight from the gun! That's my boy!!!

Michelle, Me, and Shannon- pictured here in the bar. A very busy place at LaCaille. The only thing missing was my friend Tami. We worked together every night, sharing our tables and tips... They use to call us the "Twin Towers" because we were both so tall (not FAT) and people thought that we were really twins! Anyway, after 9-11, no-one really called us that anymore...

After this pic was taken, we took Jay and Hallie home. It was as horrible as ever to say good-bye to them. We can hardly wait for the day that we again live in Utah. Our hearts ache everyday, to be close to our families!
We can't thank you all enough for all that you do for us! We love you always and forever...


Chelsea said...

Meg--great pictures! Even though you were only here for a week, it looks like you got to see a ton. Too bad you didn't get to do everything you wanted. I am glad I got to see you while you were here.

Amanda said...

I'm glad you are back! Hopefully you aren't too bummed to be "home" in Chicago instead of "home" in Utah! Looks like you did tons, and such a bittersweet visit, my heart goes out to your family. Can't wait to see you tomorrow and if I don't, I'll just start stalking you.

Anne said...

Your dad's a crack up!

colby said...

Couldn't wait to read your blog. Had to see what you were up to while you were here. I only got to see you twice. You guys better get your behinds back here soon, for good. This long distance stuff just isn't cutting it! Looks like you had a good time while you were here. Glad we had one night with ya!!! I'll make sure Nikki sees your blog.

Kandace said...

The pictures are darling!!! I need copies of all of them. Thank you again for coming home to meet our sweet little Angel Blu. I miss him every second. I miss you all as well. I can't wait til you live back home in Utah. Thank you for writing about our Baby Mav. I know he loves you guys.
Love, Kandace