Thursday, August 16, 2007

Papa referred to it as the "LAST" supper...

Some spread huh? How yummy do all of these treats look! That's what we thought, but don't get too ahead of yourself- all of these delicious looking cookies are for your DOGS!!!
Last night we went to dinner with Papa. We got there a little early so we decided to go into a few of the specialty boutiques around the restaurant. This particular store was called "A wet nose" it was so darling! We could have spent thousands on the cutest things you have ever seen for your beloved dog! But because of lack of "dough" the green kind, we only purchased a couple treats off of these platters. Poor Kain...

Anyway, we decided to go to a different restaurant last night. Instead of Benihannas,we went to P.F. Changs- not much of a stretch there, same kind of food, different place. But it was so good! Plus being able to see Papa again was wonderful! Especially for Avery. We don't really know what got into him last night but he was definitely in rare form! He was a maniac at dinner! Climbing on the table, making monster and dinosaur noises. Waving three sets of chopsticks around, almost poking Papa's eyes out! And then to top the night off, he spilled Papa's coke all over him and his phone!!! Yes, it was truly a pleasure to see Papa last night, I'm positive he felt the same way! Thanks again Papa, hurry back...


Amanda said...

You guys are always out with Papa! I love that pic of Avery by himself-he looks sooooooo cute!

Freddie Dawn said...

The wet nose is a crazy store. You need to take your dog in there sometime. They even have a list in there of all the stores in Geneva Commons that are "pet friendly", stores like California closets let you bring your pets in!

colby said...

Maybe Ron's in the wrong cookie business!

doezie10 said...

Yea Colby, he would probably be really successfull at it, because him being a DOG would know exactly what other DOGS would want!

Kandace said...

Wow!!! What Diesel and Bobo would give for that spread. Both plates would be devoured in seconds leaving nothing for Kain and Roxy. Actually, I'm sure Kain would put up a pretty good fight. Meg-thanks for our talk tonight. I love you!!!

doezie10 said...

Kandace- Thank YOU for the talk! I needed it as much as you!
I love you! I can't wait to talk to you again! Next time I promise, no longer than an hour!!!
always your favorite May-May...

colby said...

Been waiting soooo long for a new post these doggie treats are starting to look good!(HINT HINT)