Monday, August 25, 2008


(Canada, Monica, Kasey, Me)
I have a darling niece named Canada! She is an amazing girl~ to say the least! She recently moved to the Midwest to go to College on a soccer scholarship! I am so proud of her and equally excited for her! What an amazing adventure for her!
She's already the star of the team! She's starting and she has scored, every game so far! The last game she played, she scored a goal to tie the game and her team chose her to kick the tie breaker. Although the goalie blocked her shot, her team has faith in her and that's worth everything!

The only thing that sucks about this situation is the fact that we just moved back home from the Midwest and she just left home to go to the Midwest!
I miss her!

(My Bro. Gavin, his daughter Canada, My Dad)

(My nieces McCall & Canada, Kasey, & Canada's friend Alex)

Again Canada and her favorite aunt~ Meg...

(Kas, Canada, Monica, Me, Alex)

A few days before she left for school, her Dad had a going away party for her at his house. It was alot of fun even though being around a bunch of darling 18 year old kids makes me feel ANCIENT!

Anyway, Canada had wanted to be baptised for many, many years.
Her parents wanted her to wait until she was older than 8 so that she could be sure that's what she wanted...
So at 18 years old, she took the missionary discussions and made the decision to get baptised.
Again, I am so PROUD of her! She made a very tough decision at what I think is a very crucial time in her life! Going away to College, being on her own, able to do whatever~whenever you get where I'm going with this! What an amazing example she is to all of us, me ESPECIALLY!
She wanted my Dad to baptise her, but he felt like neither of them would make it back up out of the water if he tried to do it, so she asked my darling husband to do the honors...and it was truly an honor for him to baptise her!

It was so cute when I took this picture. Canada went to put her arms around the missionaries and they both stepped away from her like she had cooties! It was pretty funny! Maybe you had to be there, but it was funny none~the~less... and just in case you don't know why the missionaries wouldn't let her put her arms around them is because they can't! While on a mission you're not suppose to give hugs and touch the opposite sex any more than you absolutely have to!

Canada, I am so proud of you! And I love you so very much! What an amazing example you are to our family!

I look forward to watching you succeed in anything and everything you do!



Chelsea said...

what a cutie! How cool that Troy baptized her. You look great in every picture Meggy!

Amanda said...

You are ancient you know!