This is what I imagine the Doctor saying, as he delivers the baby...
"It's a BRONCO"...uh I mean BOY!!!
Yes my darling friend Tami is pregnant
and is going to have a baby boy.
This baby will be born into a family that
LOVES...I mean LOVES the
Denver Broncos.
So over the weekend I attended a baby shower held in her honor.
My friends Shannon and Sarah
put it all together and it was
I was suppose to help them in the planning of this party,
but found myself unable to help...and
I truly apologize...
Anyway, it was a lot of fun. The food was delicious and the company was was just like being back at LaCaille. About 95% of the
women there had either worked
or are currently working
at LaCaille...
And I love them all!
Tam...I love ya! And best of luck!