Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The "BOARD" baby...

I'm on the Enrichment Committee, and recently I was asked to "DO" the bulletin board. So I decided I would have to make a few changes. This first picture is how the board has looked since we moved here, 2 years ago. To tell you the truth, I never really noticed this board until I was asked to be in charge of it. So anyway, I was originally going to keep this green, floral fabric, but after a minute of that bad idea I changed my mind, and went to Hobby Lobby. (50) bucks later I came home and started to create something more (ME) Here's the finished product.................................................................................................

It's hard to really see just how darling it turned out but from the responses I received, it was quite a hit!!!! All the lettering is in glitter, and the black fabric is patterned to look like snake skin! Anyway it was fun, I hope everyone looks at it and enjoys something a little different, a little more MEG...

FYI- if you click on the pictures, it will enlarge them, then you can see the detail a little better...


Amanda said...

Hey Meg!
I am so glad you posted these pics! I think the new board turned out fabulous--I can't wait to see it up close!! Great! How do you do your glitter letters so well?? We'll have to dish! Hope you are having a good week! I miss you!

Chelsea said...

I love it--it turned out really good. In the second picture I can see the texture of the black fabric really well---I wish I would have gone with you to put it up---it looks awesome. I can't wait to see it in person.

Kandace said...

Looks like it turned out great!!! You are so creative! I hope I'll get to see it some time this year.
Love you all