Sunday, January 14, 2007

Chelsea, in a "NUT" shell...

Here we go again. My friend Chelsea, took on the challenge, and wrote 100 things about me! I have to say, I was more than impressed. We have only known each other for about 2 years, and she knew me better than I knew myself. So, with that said, I love a challenge, and so I too, will attempt a list of 100 things about her...

1.She is Beautiful

2.she has 4 children

3.Three of her 4 children, were born under water

4.I got to see two of the births on video, it was awesome!

5.she uses the word "Dude" all the time

6.And for some reason, she gets away with it

7.she eats her cereal out of a very small bowl

8.she likes to drive

9.she knows the answers to a lot of trivia questions

10.she is equally smart, as she is beautiful

11.she makes fun of my cut of finger

12.she doesn't make her kids share their toys

13.But if they won't, she makes them put them away

14.she is humble

15.she has two beautiful sisters, and a handsome brother

16.her teeth are very white, and straight

17.she can play the piano

18.her last calling was as the Primary pianist

19.she loves big funky jewelery

20.she had extensions in her hair once, and it made her husband fell like he was with a different woman, so she took them out!

21.she gets loud when she's excited

22.she is still madly in love with her husband, even after 11 years of marriage

23.she orders her steak- medium rare (I think?)

24.she likes animals, but doesn't have any

25.everyone wants to be friends with her

26.she is a natural leader

27.she takes charge, and makes people feel safe

28.she went to school at BYU

29.she buys sexy lingerie, for bridal shower gifts!

30.she doesn't love the layout of her current house

31.she and her husband have a very, active sex life!!!

32.she is very, very naughty!!!

33.she will keep a secret

34.she takes pictures all the time

35.she does not develop her pictures. She puts them on her computer, where they sit, and never get out!!! Develop your pics!

36.she drinks diet coke

37.she is fully addicted to diet coke

38.she is too skinny!

39.she works out all the time

40.she used to be a personal trainer

41.she eats soup a lot for lunch

42.she has many friends, but she has two "Best" friends

43.she speaks very philosophically to her 4 year old son

44.she could NOT take me in a fight, but she thinks she could

45.she likes to tease people

46.when you go somewhere with her, don't plan on it being an early night

47.she makes you feel special

48.she genuinely cares about your problems

49.she has an amazing memory

50.she is 5'9

51.she always says "It's good for you to be away from your kids sometimes, so that they learn that mommy always comes back!"

52.she painted her basement, light green- so it would brighten it up

53.she is very generous

54.she cooked Cornish game hens for Thanksgiving this year

55.she loves the candle holder that adorns her dinning room table

56.she remembers sharing the back of a truck, with a dead deer, daring her cousin to touch the eyes or tongue

57.she loves beef jerky

58.she thinks that all Mormon girls in Utah, color their hair the same, like skunks

59.she plays fantasy football

60.she likes high heels

61.she still has her Christmas decorations up

62.she also talks about bigger..............

63.she doesn't need make-up

64.her and her husband, look good together

65.she still laughs at the way her husband sings church songs

66.she is very fashionable

67.her husband says she "Targets and tj maxx's" him to death

68.she loves her babies to fall asleep in her arms

69.she loves Kenneth Cole

70.she hides "secrets" under her bed

71.her life is very balanced

72.she's always put together

73.she is careful not to offend people

74.she is honest, and trustworthy

75.she has a motto "Accessories never make you look fat"

76.she is very good on the computer

77.she is originally from California

78.she is goin back to cali, cali, cali

79.she is sexy without even trying!

80.when she smiles, it lights up the room

81.she writes "Odes" to people

82.she truly appreciates it when you take notice of her feelings or needs

83.she remembers faces

84.and forgets names

85.she has her nails long

86.usually with a french manicure

87.she likes everyone to get along

88.she drove herself and her 4 kids to California, with less than a days notice to get ready

89.she makes jewelery

90.she adores her children

91.if she was the only one to decide her children's names (no husband input) she would have given her girls very feminine names

92.she has a wicked sense of humor!

93.her brother use to tell his girlfriends he had four Moms- because Chels and her sisters had to "approve" of her before he could even think of getting serious husband wants me to hurry!

95.she has a very strong testimony

96.she gives good advice

97.she's an OGRE...

98.she, like an onion has many, many layers

99.she is very intriguing

100.and I say these things, just kiddin I love ya Chels...


Chelsea said...

That is a COOL list!!! I LOVED reading it. I'm very impressed. I think I like you even more now than I did before you wrote it. I am going to print it out and save it---I love you Meggy!!!

Chelsea said...

I just read through your list again----awesome! Even though I have been gone for 6 months I still miss you like I just left yesterday.