Thursday, March 22, 2007

"Papa, look at me!!!"

Yes, Papa was in town again this week. Sadly, we only had the chance to spend one evening with him! We met him for dinner at our (PAGODA) replacement restaurant, Benihanas. Now don't get me wrong, Benihanas is a great restaurant, but nothing, and I mean nothing is better than PAGODA!!!! (Chelsea) take note, Pagoda is located in the avenues, on E street. About five minutes away from your new house!!! Go there, order the egg-foo-young it's the best!

Anyway, it's always a good time when Papa's in town! Avery absolutely adores his Papa! All through dinner he would say, "look at me Papa" "Watch this Papa" he's so darling!!! And Avery's not so bad himself! Ha Ha

Kasey loves her Papa too!!!

Avery loves to eat at Benihanas. He sits in amazement, watching them cook right in front of him! He claps and tries to whistle, it's so funny! I didn't have anymore room on my camera, or I would have taken more pics!
When we were finished, we went out to the car, it was 66 degrees last night-BEAUTIFUL!!! So we stood at the car talking and Papa tickle-tortured Avery while he was locked in his seat belt! But he must have loved it, because every time Papa tried to leave Avery would say "Don't leave Papa!" Truthfully, we didn't want him to leave either! It's really hard to say good-bye over, and over again, especially when you know that person is going where YOU want to go!!!
Thanks again, Papa. We love you, and we love spending all the time we can with you!!!
See you soon...


Stefanie said...

E street huh? I've never heard of that restaurant but will have to check it out. Thanks for the tip. Speaking of restaurants, I finally found all my wedding proofs and sadly enough you are not in any of them from La Caille. Dang. That would have made for some good blogging!! he he!

Anne said...

Has the beautiful Kasey ever done modeling? I swear I saw her face looking down at me from a Target clothing display!

Chelsea said...

Meggy--I love the last picture you posted with Avery's head tilted to the side. It is really a cute picture. I will have to remember to check out that restaurant. Better yet, maybe YOU could take me there when you get there! When you get there and buy a house up the hill by me!

Chelsea said...

More like in MY dreams! Actually Meggy I think you are a true blue Utah County Girl. And that makes you really special.

Kandace said...

Pagoda tomorrow at 6:00pm. I'll save you guys some food. Wish you were going to be there. Love you all and miss you lots.