Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Self Portrait, Tuesday...

This seems a little funny to be doing this but a few of the other "Blogger Girls" do this thing called "Self portrait Tuesday"
So I guess I thought I'd give it a go. So here I am...
Anyway, we just walked in the door, it's 9:30. p.m. The first thing I do is open the fridge? The first thing my husband does is pops in a WORKOUT VIDEO??? I'm sitting here at the computer typing, while him and our son Avery are working out? What's wrong with this picture? Why can't I just get up and workout with them? I want to! Really I do want to, but I can't! I'm too tired, and really I lied, I don't want to. I want to be skinny and healthy without working out!
What's that called?


Amanda said...

Skinny and healthy without working out? Is it called genetics or liposuction? Tummy tuck? I think you look great, Megan! I thought you looked super skinny last night at the baptism. How is your no sugar eating going? Holy cow, you guys stay up late (snicker, snicker, as I went to bed right after we walked in the door!!)

colby said...

Are we ever happy? I started working out 1/2 hour before work and 1/2 after. I did this religiously for 1 month. I've been taking vitamins, drinking vitamins and really trying to get healthy....then I get sicker than I have been in years. I am on my 5th week of not having any energy to exercise. I'm not really sure it matters after 50 anyway! Don't beat yourself up over it. It's not in your genetics to be FAT. I really feel sorry for the people that have had to fight the FAT battle all their lives. Just choose to be happy with yourself the way you are!