Monday, April 23, 2007

Baby mine, don't you cry...

For the last couple of days our baby Avery has had the flu. He's had it before so we were trying NOT to go to the Doctor. But this morning he seemed to get worse, so I called his Pediatrician to see if she could fit him in. After I had told her of his symptoms she said to get him to the ER immediately!

We spent about four hours there. He was dehydrated so they put an I.V. in his little hand and tried to rehydrate him. It was so sad when they put the needle in he said, "That hurts me" and started crying, it was horrible. They also ran some blood tests, and found out he had Rotavirus, which is an infection that affects the small intestine (bowel) and is caused by a virus (germ) called rotavirus.

Anyway, we are home now and he is sleeping. All we can do is hope and pray that he'll stay hydrated so we don't have to take him back! Thanks for all of your prayers...


Amy said...

I am so....sorry! I hope he gets feeling better soon. please let me know what I can do to help your family. Love ya!

Anne said...

Sweet Avery. Those pictures hurt my heart. I hope he gets all better soon.

Kathleen and Justin Lofley said...

Poor little guy! Being sick is no good. And you're super mom to be handling a sick baby and then managing the Doezie Challenge! I hope that he gets to feeling better soon. And thanks for all your hard work getting us all motivated to do better taking care ourselves. You're awesome.

Stefanie said...

Poor little guy. He's so darn cute! Looks like we need to get him on the gallon a water a day regime for the next few days to nurse him back to health!! Sick kids are no fun- the only perk is that they're extra cuddly. Good luck getting him on the mend.

Kandace said...


Those pictures are so sad. They made Jett feel bad. Please get him better fast. We are all praying for him. Love you all!!!