Thursday, April 19, 2007

Darling Nikki...

Today is my "Darling" niece Nikki's Birthday! Happy, Happy Birthday Nik! I don't know how many of you are familiar with the song "Darling Nikki" by the purple man himself "Prince" but his song is my inspiration for the title of this post. We use to love that song, although Darling Nikki, are the only two words from the song that I'll be writing today, being that a few things have "Changed" in our lives.............. we'll just have to leave it at that! Memories, in the corners of my mind... Anyway, I thought it would be "FUN" to tell you all a little bit about my very best friend in the whole wide world... Nikki...

1.Her name is Nichole. I have never called her by that name EVER!
2.She is the second daughter of my oldest sister Colby, so that makes her my niece. No one use to believe us when we would tell them that I was her Aunt.
3.She was born at LDS Hospital- April 19, 1973. She was either (7lbs 7oz) or (7lbs 11oz) 21" long (Her Mom couldn't remember!)
4.She was a horrible baby!(Her Mom said) She cried for the first 3 years of her life!!! Maybe that's why she can't remember! Ha Ha
5.I am 3 months and 27 days OLDER than her. I use to be very proud of the fact that I was older than her, but now it's really not that cool!
6.Her very favorite toy when she was little was a doll. It had a permanent "Yawn" on it's face so she called it her "Yawny doll" She took that doll everywhere with her. I think she may still have it?
7.When she was 4 or 5 years old, she was getting into the back seat of her Dad's awesome two door "Pinto." She put her foot in the seat, and when they put the seat back it cut off her toe! It was hanging by a thread. Luckily the Doctor was able to sew it back on!

8.She was my Maid of honor at my wedding.
9.She was also 4 months pregnant at my wedding, which is ironic because I was 4 months pregnant at her wedding!
10.I introduced her to her future husband Steve, when we were only 14 years old. He was two years older than us, and he could drive! That was SO COOL!!! I use to ride in the front seat when Steve was driving and Nikki would get in the back. I don't really recall "how" it happened but one day SHE started sitting in the front seat! And the rest is history!!!
11.They were married on June 18, 1993
12. They were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple on August 15, 1996

13.She has FOUR Beautiful children. Three boys and one girl... They keep her very, very busy! Usually to busy to call me! CALL ME...
14.She also has two Darling Dogs. One is a mutt named "Mooches" the other is a Shiatsu named "muggsy"
15.She is an AMAZING Mother!

16.She is skinny. She has always been skinny. She doesn't even TRY to be skinny, she just is!!! Yeah, she's one of THOSE girls!
17.She was there when I had my first baby, Kasey. She cut the umbilical cord.
18.She was also there when I had Avery. This time Troy cut the cord, but she filmed the birth! Thanks Nik!
19.She has a very soft heart, and is kind to everyone.
20.She is currently serving in the Primary Presidency in her ward.

21.She is competitive.
22.We are great big DORKS when we get together. It's one of my very favorite things about her, you don't have to be anything but yourself when you're with her. She wouldn't allow it!
23.She is my "Hotta"
24.We made up our own language when we were about 15 years old. I still use some of the words to this day. My husband thinks that's dorky! He just mad because he doesn't know what I'm saying!!!

25.Nikki and I got our first job together at Chuck-A- Rama. We washed dishes until we turned 16, then we were able to waitress. We would pull our tips every night, so we always made the same amount of money!
26.I am reminded of Nikki whenever I hear songs from "YAZ" We use to listen to that group all day, everyday!
27.We went to girls camp together ( that's all I can say in this post about it!)
28.She went to many different schools, but graduated from Alta High.
29.We always wanted to live with each other. We finally got to when we were 18.

30.She hates her handwriting. When we use to fight, I would tease her about her handwriting, she would tease me about my freckles.
31.She has one full sister, and four half sisters
32.She can "Antique" furniture like a pro! I have three beautiful pieces that she "Antiqued" for me in my home.
33.She is 5'7 and has Hazel eyes. She doesn't need a stitch of make-up, she's naturally BEAUTIFUL!!!
34.She is this many today!!! And it's about time!

Nik, I love you so very much! How truly blessed we are to have had our whole entire lives to be friends with each other. I am so thankful for all of the wonderful memories that we made, I will treasure them always! I miss you everyday, and can't wait to be together again!
Love you always and forever... Meg-A-Moo


colby said...

Good job Meg! Happy Birthday darling daughter of mine, Nikki! You are the greatest daughter a mother could ever have. I love you so much and I'm so blessed you chose me to be your mom!

Nikki said...

Meg... what a GREAT Birthday present!!! You know that it is not nice to make someone cry on their birthday but its my party and I'll cry if I want to. I will read and re-read this blog over and over again. I absolutely love the pictures! Meg, I love you SOOOO much! I really appreciate the time you took to make me feel sooo special. I to, feel so blessed to have always had you in my life and will always cherish the many memories we have. You will always be my BEST friend. I miss you and think of you always!!! Love, Nikki

Chelsea said...

Meggy, what a cool post! I love hearing about your family--and I LOVE your perm!!!

Amanda said...

I can't believe you have siblings that old. That's crazy to think Nikki, your niece, is the same age as you!! How fun, though!! What a great post and loving tribute!! Happy Birthday Nikki!!!

Amanda said...

Dude, I totally missed the perm.

doezie10 said...

Dudes- The really sad thing about that pic, is that neither of us has a perm! We were in Florida, and the humidity was brutal! We looked like that the entire trip!And we thought we looked good? Oh to be 18 again!

Nikki said...

perm or no perm we were hot!!skinny and hot!!now we are old,fat,married,and happy!!love ya meg!!!

colby said...

Hey, I'm that old sibling - take it easy on me. It's hard enough believing I have a 34 year old daughter!!!