Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sweet Advice...

Downing a big glass of low-fat chocolate milk can help speed up muscle recovery after exercise. Researchers think it's because the carbohydrate and protein combination refuels your muscles and gives your body energy for cardio endurance. Just don't get too "Cuckoo for the cocoa stuff" One eight -ounce cup of skim milk with chocolate syrup has 195 calories!

Now, girls on South Beach can't try this, but I thought Chelsea, Stefanie, and Karli could. Especially because these girls workout everyday! I would love to hear what you think about this...

1 comment:

Karli said...

Yum, I love chocolate milk. To tell you the truth, I am awful about my dairy consumption. (: I get yogurt ocasionally, but I need to drink more milk. They make sugar free chocolate syrup now too, which is awesome because it cuts down on the calories too. Maybe this is a way to get my calcium in...

Thanks for the tip! He looks way cuter holding that cup of milk than I ever would! (: