Thursday, June 14, 2007

Lose one, gain two...

Summer time at the Doezie house is always an adventure! We woke up Tuesday morning to a very "weak" toilet paper job! Give me a break! If you're going to t.p. someones house you better REALLY lay it on thick! It must be an "Illinois" thing, cuz in Utah we know how to do it!!!

Anyway, every summer Kasey goes to Utah for a month and Jaylyn and Hallie come here to Illinois for two months. This year we decided to "kill two birds with one stone" and have Kas fly out the same day Jay and Hal got here. Sounds simple enough, so we start our trip out to Midway Airport to get Kas on her flight. The drive is usually 45 minutes................................. TWO HOURS LATER we pull up to the airport! We are freaking out! So we get in our first line. As the guy is checking us in, he's like "Your flight is at 6:15?" (It's 6:05) we're like "We know, the Highway was a parking lot!!!" Anyway we get IN the airport and we run to the next line. I call Troy and say "What do we do?" He's like "Just tell people you're going to miss your flight, they'll let you through." So we start our apologies and make our way to the front of this line. Then we get to our next line (Security) So we take off all of our clothes and walk through the metal detectors and Kasey goes off like the fourth of July! ARE YOU KIDDING!!!! Please go in there and wait for a "lady" guard! I'm like CRAP! Anyway as she's explaining what she's going to do I'm like JUST DO IT- she's going to miss her flight!!!! After a very thorough search she let us go and we were on the run!

I was holding on to Kasey's arm as we weaved in and out of people on our way to,(of-course) THE FURTHEST GATE IN THE AIRPORT!!! I was DYING! Flash backs of college Basketball practices were heavily on my mind, well really in my throat! I couldn't breath I felt like I was going to throw up, seriously I couldn't run another step! I said "Kas go on without me! I'll walk to the gate to make sure you got on ok, I love you! " When she got to the gate, the door was closed! So she opened it and walked in and sat down in a seat! CRAZY!!! Way to go Kas!
So that was that. I called Troy, and he was like "What's wrong with you?" I was like "I'm dying, but she made it!" My throat hurt the rest of the night!

Then Jay and Hallie came walking down the hall and everything was good! We hadn't seen them in person for NINE MONTHS! It's hard to explain the feeling of seeing your kids for the first time in 9 months! It's heart wrenching! You feel this overwhelming flood of joy and love and at the same time the sting of knowing they will again leave you! Avery was going crazy! He was like HALLIE-HALLIE- HALLIE!!!! He just loves her! I absolutely LOVE it when they are with us, and as soon as Kasey comes home I'll be the happiest woman in the world!
Ten years ago, if you would have asked me what I wanted for myself or what I hoped for -for my future, I would NEVER have said- Married, house wife, four kids, a dog, living in Illinois! But if you ask me now, there would only be one change on that list.................................

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I hate airport stories like that! I've had one too many almost missed flights--and that was before 9/11 so I'm just a tard. Glad Kasey made it though--and that Hallie and Jaylyn are here!!! You are going to be super busy!!! Have a happy father's day weekend--we are going camping!!!