Sunday, June 3, 2007

Ya'll come back real soon now!

I don't know where to start? Grandma's face in this pic could pretty much sum up the whole week! We had family in town, Troy's parents and Grandparents. It was a very, VERY memorable visit to say the least! Let's just say, if it could go wrong, it pretty much did!

They decided to stay in a Hotel right down the street from our house, because Grandma can't get up and down stairs very well. Looking back on the week- it all worked out for the best, and the swimming pool was definitely the highlight!

Let's back up a minute, here's how it all began... We drove to the airport to pick them up, and on the way I got a MIGRAINE? I've only had about three Migraine's in my entire life! I was just dying! That was THE worst two hour car ride I've ever had! We came back to our house and had a nice visit. Within a few hours I felt better and we went to dinner. Day one over.

Day two. Grandma wanted to go visit her brothers grave. It was at a cemetery that was about two hours away, and it down pored almost the entire way there! For some reason the cemetery wasn't showing up on the GPS system (why would it) so we drove around for about 45 minutes looking for it. We finally found the cemetery and after 30 minutes of wondering around looking at the head stones we found her brothers grave. It was beautiful. We put flowers on the grave, took some pictures and headed home. Grandma and Grandpa where very tired so they took a nap and we went swimming.

After swimming we had planned to go back to our house and barbecue, but Grandpa wasn't feeling well. As a matter of fact, he was REALLY sick! So sick in fact, Grandma wanted to take him to the ER! We talked her out of that idea, and they just laid in bed at the Hotel. Grandma was NOT happy about that believe me! So Nana came back to our house to BBQ and watch the Jazz game. We took her back to the Hotel later that night and Kasey slept over with her there.

The next morning, day three Grandpa was so sick he said he was dying! He was throwing up and had diarrhea, which he could not control! Nana, Kasey, Avery and I went to the store to get some "depends" which really didn't help! Poor Grandpa, and poor MAIDS! Like I said he couldn't control it! After a couple hours of cleaning, Grandpa got cleaned up and back into bed. Grandma was going a little "stir" crazy so we took her to lunch. When we went back to the hotel to check on Grandpa he was feeling a little better, and they wanted to come to our house to hang out, have dinner, etc... That sounded easy enough. Two minutes after arriving at our house, Grandpa sat down on my couch and like I said before, couldn't control it! On my couch!!! Now I was dying! And poor Nana, she had to clean him up, AGAIN! Anyway, a few hours later we took them back to the hotel.

Day four. Avery woke up at four o'clock this morning THROWING UP! I was beside myself! He had just been in the ER with the same symptoms! We could NOT go through this again! We hadn't even paid the last 1,500.00 bill from the ER!!!!!!!!!
Then Troy had to go into the office for a couple hours this morning. He had planned to be back by 11:00 because Grandma and Grandpa had gotten an earlier flight home, and he needed to drive them out to the airport. Needless to say, he wasn't home by 11- so I had to take my poor little sick baby in the car for a torturous two and a half hour car ride to the airport and back! After a few hours of rest, Avery was feeling a little better and we decided to go to dinner. Now it was just Nana, Papa, Troy, Kasey, Avery and me. Dinner was delicious, like Benihana's always is! But it wasn't over yet! On the way home from dinner, I got sick! Yes I had the stomach flu! I couldn't get of the toilet, which in the end (no pun intended) wasn't such a bad thing because I lost 4 pounds!

Day five. Time for Nana and Papa to fly home. Let's just say DELAY....... They were on different flights so Papa got out okay, but poor Nana sat at the airport for about six or seven hours, because of rain delays. And just to top it all off, Troy got sick that night! Honestly, I didn't think it would ever end!
We're all feeling a little better now, and can hardly wait for our next visitors! Come on to my house, my house a come on... You can always just sleep on the couch...


Jill said...

HOLY CRAP! (Pun totally intended)

I have been laughing out loud the entire time reading about your wacky week of fun. And I must say I would totally go through all that to drop 4 pounds :)

And I totally picked up on your "Girls Next Door" naughty girl! I am a closet watcher myself.

Missed you at church. Come back soon. I need someone to talk to while I'm sitting in nursery!

Jill said...

and I am totally embarassed about how many times I just said "totally" in my last comment.

Karli said...

Sounds like such a long & emotional week! I'm sorry you had to go through all that! Especially the whole bathroom issue part... (:

Good job losing weight, you look so hot in those pics! (:

I know the feeling of being sick & having bathroom woes. Mine are the opposite though. I'm sure this is TMI, but I have been plugged for 14 days now! They can't figure out what is wrong & I have also lost about 4 pounds because I've been eating mostly liquids & a few soft foods. If you have any ideas, throw them my way! Hope you are all feeling top notch soon!

doezie10 said...

Okay, Jill- yes I watch the "Girls next door" I don't know why, but I do like it!
Karli, If you haven't gone to see a Dr. yet- GO NOW! That is scary stuff!

Amanda said...

After grandpa's incident on your couch, do you think many people are going to want to visit you now? Just kidding!! Sounds like a very very eventful week!! Miss you! And Chels and I thought about you A LOT while in Utah!! Love ya!

colby said...

Hi Meg! I was going into BLOG withdrawl last week BUTT I knew you were busy with company. Believe me it was totally worth waiting for. I can't stop laughing. What a memorable vacation for everyone! Poor grandpa will be the BUTT of all the family jokes for years to come. At least your husband will never want to sleep on the couch (not that you'll ever have that problem!) Can't wait to copy this for mom & dad. Tell your friend Karli to go to This is a great colon cleanse (since we're on the subject anyway). Have a great peaceful week. Love ya!

Kandace said...

I can't tell you how sad I was about not being able to join the rest of the family to visit you all in Chicago. After getting daily updates from mom and now reading this made me realize that I guess I was quite lucky I wasn't able to come. I still want to visit sometime soon...without Grandma and Grandpa. Oh, I feel so bad for them. They had been so excited about their Chicago trip. Poor Mom...I don't think she'll ever take them on another trip again. Although, Grandma thinks she's coming back soon!! I'm glad you are all feeling better. Have I told you how much Jett loves his "cowboys and indians"? He plays with them all day long.
Love you all!!!!!!