Tuesday, September 25, 2007


We have had a few people asking if we were still alive, and the answer is yes, barely!
I know it's been quite a while since my last post, but seriously our lives are so boring I don't have anything to post about???

So I'll make some stuff up... A long over-due bath for our doggie Kain... You can tell he just loves it! Poor little pooch! But don't worry, this was the last bath he has to have outside. Now that it's getting cold, he gets to take nice warm baths in our tub!

Kasey and her girlfriend Shianne. They always love to have their picture taken! Their volleyball season is going by very quickly. They play three games a week, so it makes for a very fast season! Kas is playing great! She really loves this sport, and we are going to see if we can get her into club ball... We would really like for her to play tennis or golf, but she will have nothing to do with either sport??? WHATEVER!

Troy and I have also been working on my Dad's website www.grantromneyclawson.com
It's a slow trial by error process, but it will get there! This picture above is one of my Dad's paintings. It's titled, "Hawaiian Paradise" isn't it beautiful! For about 50,000 dollars, you could own one of his paintings too! Just contact me...

Now to the BOY!!! Wow, three years old and wow, I don't know what else to say??? Don't let these sweet pictures deceive you! My son is a wild man!!! Where did my sweet little angel go? The yelling and hitting and crying for no apparent reason is almost too much for me! Seriously he celebrated his third birthday and something just snapped! It's his way or NO WAY! I can't tell you how many times a day, Troy and I just look at each other like "Which side does he get this from???" What have you done with our son?

Well, that's all folks......Avery calls


Chelsea said...

I'm glad you updated!

colby said...


Amanda said...

Graham is getting pretty rowdy too these days, it must be that age. Augh. I think you and Troy are doing wonderful on your dad's website. Good job. See, you never needed me. I probably just screwed you up with all my tinkering. I think I just heard Troy's head rattle a "yes" my way.

Sarah Jane said...

i can't believe no one warned you about what comes after the terrible twos. I would take a room of 2 year olds over a 3 year old any day. I can totally sympathize.