Saturday, September 29, 2007

The celebration of the SIXTH...

Four score and six years ago today, ok forget the four score but six years ago today, a very beautiful woman named Kandace said "I DO" to a very handsome man named Tyler... thus beginning a marriage made in heaven, or at least a marriage made at LaCaille. Which I suppose could be mistaken for heaven on Earth, if you hadn't worked there for eight years of your life! And on this glorious day, I too laid eyes on the man of my dreams Tyler, just kidding Troy, the brother of the bride, which ultimately led to our marriage, a year later...

So happy Anniversary Kandace and Tyler. Thank you for sharing this very special day! We'll raise our imaginary glasses, filled with imaginary champagne and toast to another sixty, at least!

Here are a few pics of the beautiful couple. I don't have any pics from their actual wedding? I think I should, so send me some-K -Kan...

Here they are with their son Jett, in front of the Married with children fountain in Chicago. I can't remember the real name of the fountain?

A very HAPPY couple! (Just thank me later for posting this pic)

I wanted to post these pics, because it's a very RARE that Avery ever let anyone else hold him besides Troy or myself!

So anyway, like I stated before, their marriage lead to Troy and I meeting each other, and our own love affair started...

This is the very first picture we ever took together. We had just met two days before. (Notice the deodorant on my shirt???) Not to mention the sweater wrapped around my waist? This was when my butt looked good?? Why was I covering it up?

This is our first family picture. Look how little our girls are! Hallie just turned three in this pic. That's the same age Avery is now??? Crazy, I forgot how little she really was when we met! She was just a baby! And Jaylyn was almost nine, and Kasey had just turned eight! Wow...

So basically one wedding lead to another, and the rest of the story will be told at a later date.
Kandace and Tyler we love you both so very much! We hope you have a wonderful anniversary... always and forever all of our love!


Freddie Dawn said...

Hallie is sooo little!! Want a cute story, and a happy ending! Congrats to your friends!

Karli said...

way cute story and so nice that you are such great friends with your sister in law! it makes a huge difference, huh? And, that Avery and Jett can be such great buddies.

You look great as usual!

Kandace said...

Meg, I love it!!!! It really is a great story huh? I love the pics of Tyler and I holding Avery. He is so dang cute...always smiling. I will have to send you some pictures of our wedding. What in the world is that crazy picture of and where was it taken? Too funny. I want you to know I think I see a little tear in Tyler's eye. He loves it!!! We are both toasting with our imaginary glasses. Here's to you and Troy. What a cute family you all became. The girls were so young. I miss them that way. I love you all!!!

Amanda said...

What a sweet post. And why the heck do some families get all the luck? Just like Chelsea's, everyone in your family is so good lookin'--cute pics as always. I can't believe you still have that "M" necklace.

Amanda said...

P.S. Today would have been my sister's wedding anniversary, too--if she was still married! Ha!

Amanda said...

Oh, that's Buckingham Fountain. But I like your name better!

Mrs. Dub said...

Let's hear it for love .. and Chi-town!