Monday, October 22, 2007

Do it yourself flooring, it's SO easy...

After TWO years of complaining about the carpet in our house, we finally ripped it up and laid new flooring! The people who built the house decided that WHITE carpet was the best choice???
I don't think white carpet is ever the best choice! Not that I don't like white carpet because I do, I love the look of it but not when you have four kids and a dog!

We looked at all types of hardwood floors, which were way out of our price range, so we decided to do Pergo ( still out of range, but we HAD to do it!) the Do it yourself flooring, "It's so easy!" Ok, whoever 'coined' that saying definitely received a promotion in his flooring company! Because those three little words make everyone feel like they can just lay their own flooring! Just snap a couple of pieces in and wa-la, a beautiful floor! Huh NO! It was not that easy! As a matter of fact, we would still be working on it if not for our friend Jeremy who is a contractor, who graciously lent himself to us for two days! We could not have done it without him! We can't thank him enough for putting his very busy life on hold to help us out! Thanks again Jeremy we owe you BIG TIME!

So here are a few before and after pics. It's hard to see how beautiful it really is, I guess that means you'll just need to come HERE to see it in person-MOM... and anyone else who wants to come over.

This is the office before...

And after.

The living room before...

And after. It looks like Avery had a long day too...

Same room, different angle-before...

And after.
We are so happy with the results! It's like living in a new house! Now, when the time comes to sell, we might actually have a chance at selling!


Amanda said...

I LOVE IT! Seriously, you were right, it makes it look like a whole other house! Do you wear you socks a lot more now? You know, so you can run and Slllllidde on your floors?!? :) Can't wait to see it in person, it looks gorgeous!

Freddie Dawn said...

It looks sooo great!! Little Avery help a lot to, tuckered himself out!

Amy said...

looks GREAT!

Jill said...

Ditto to all the comments above! It looks really good! Much more open....good job.

colby said...

Hey Meg - I'm impressed. Now you can OPEN your blinds and let the sun shine into your new rooms!!! That will give the house a whole new look also!

doezie10 said...

Colby, it's about time you leave a comment! I was beginning to think you didn't come to my blog anymore!
How are you? Maybe you should make a trip out here to Chicago! I'll even open the blinds, just for you!
love you...Moo

Karli said...

it looks darling! totally stylish and trendy. i love the diy flooring. we looked at doing that with our tile in the kitchen and with wood for another room, but ended up hiring someone to do it instead! i am like you and would have been working on it for weeks! (: