Saturday, October 13, 2007


As I was going through the motions of yet another day without my husband, I started to think about my girlfriends Amanda and Chelsea. I miss the days of Chelsea living here with us in the glorious city pictured above...CHICAGO. I also love this picture! Not just because we all look sooo dang gorgeous, but because of the beautiful colors in the background. The orange and gold, brown and yellow...the reflection of light off of the river, the mist in the crisp night air... It reminds me of this time of year, a time that I love for many reasons but mainly for the beauty you can see all around you. I also love it for the magic that it casts on all who let it!

Which brings me to the reason I started this post in the first place.........................HAPPY MAIL, from my darling friend Amanda

Just look at these beautiful, hand made cards! They're so cute, I'll never want to use them!!! Then the packet of Hot buttered rum, SINFUL...can't wait to warm up with my husband and some HOT buttered rum (minus the rum, not the HOT!) also some ribbon, and blank business cards with a beautiful floral design on them.
Amanda, you're so very sweet, it was just what I needed! Thank you for thinking of me...

If you're interested in purchasing some beautiful hand made cards, click on Amanda's shop, listed under 'Check it out' on the sidebar>>>>>>>


Chelsea said...

I love the pictures we took together in Chicago. I need to post some of them. I miss you too Meggy. You are an awesome friend and an incredible woman. And, do you know what I love about you most??? Your oniony aroma---yum!

Amanda said...

I love this time of the year, too! I may not smell like onions, but I miss how we used to get together a lot when Chels was here. We still need to take the boys out some morning soon...I need to get out of the house! It will make me HAPPY.

Amanda said...

Oh yeah, and I meant to say thank you for the plug on my cards. That was nice of you! Did you sign up for pink christmas this year?

Karli said...

cute stuff made by sweet friends! That picture is so cute and you are testaments of all just getting sexier and cuter with every passing year! Such great examples to me. (:

Hope you're doing well!