Sunday, October 28, 2007

I said a Skit-skat-how'bout that!

Today is my absolutely GORGEOUS Mother in Laws Birthday
They say when you get married, you're not only saying "We'll be together forever" to each other, but also to his MOMMY...
Yes I'm sure you have heard many-o-horror stories about awful M.I.L.'s but my story is very different...

I truly LoVe my dear Mother in Law. She is an amazing woman. She has raised three amazing children and couldn't love her grandchildren more!

She is beautiful, inside and out.

She is so much fun. I don't think she EVER gets embarrassed. These pics were taken at Ty's college graduation party up at LaCaille. We started singing Karaoke, and as far as I can remember we didn't sing very well, but we had a great time...

Nana and Avery
Jo, Troy and I at a wedding in Vegas

Kandace, Jo, Me, Hallie, Jaylyn and Kasey in California. We had just eaten at our favorite restaurant in Cali (El Toritos) I'm sure I misspelled that but?

Jo getting ready for the Derby...

Troy, Me, Avery, Nana and Papa. Dinner at LaCaille

Avery and Nana

The future in broadcast news.

Jo, Kandace and I at The Children's museum at Gateway Mall in SLC

JO, I love you so very much! I honestly could not have hand picked a greater M.I.L!
I am so greatful for all that you do for Troy, me and our children. You mean the world to all of us! We miss you everyday and can't wait to pick up where we left off!
LoVe YoU AlWaYs AnD FoReVeR...
And as for the title of this post,
All I can say is "GO FARMERS"


colby said...

Being a FARMER alum I understand that last paragraph! Happy Birthday Jo! I know how old you are and you look DAMN good if I must say so myself. I hope I look that good when I'm your age!!? Thanks for being such a great M.I.L. to Meg and such a fantastic grandma to the kids.

Karli said...

she does look awesome! Such an inspiration. I too have been blessed with a fantastic mil and am so grateful not to have any horror stories! What a great tribute to an awesome lady!

Amanda said...

You learned your white bra under black shirt trick from your MIL? Just kidding. You are SO LUCKY to have such awesome in laws.

doezie10 said...

Amanda, I was wondering if anyone else would notice! That is too funny...

doezie10 said...

Colb, the title is a cheer that Jo does all the time from when she was a cheerleader, it's hilarious! And as for looking good, you do! You're beautiful too! Love you

colby said...

I also noticed the white bra under black shirt but I didn't want to embarrass Jo on her birthday - too funny. Love you guys!