Tuesday, February 5, 2008

9 1/2 weeks...just kidding only 3

I absolutely love being busy all the time!
We are having the greatest time being home with our friends and family!
There is always something to do and I just love it!
The above pic was taken at Nana and Papa's house for the Super Bowl party.
And even though my Patriots lost we had a blast!
Great food and family...It just doesn't get any better that that!

So anyway, like I stated previously, we are on the go ALL the time! It's quite a contrast from living in Illinois, where we sat around day after day. And yes I take full responsibility for choosing to sit around but really there wasn't anything to do there. Or should I say nothing I wanted to do... I just couldn't see past my unhappiness while I was there, I hope and pray I never have to live anywhere but Utah again!

So back to the good stuff... In the past three weeks of being home, we have gone to three of our very favorite restaurants, one being Pagoda (of course) where Jett and Avery had more fun playing in the rocks that eating the egg-foo-young...

I have had the chance to finally spend time with my favorite sis-in-law Kandace
who can not, for any reason stop talking about the 'Twilight' series books!
Her husband is not very pleased with me for letting her onto the books! I guess he's sick of questions like...
"Tyler, who do you think would win in a fight, werewolves or vampires?"
It has been wonderful getting lost in our conversations about Edward.
We have officially become The Geek squad, of books...
If Stephenie Meyer ever comes here to UT.
WE WILL BE THERE... book in hand!

We have also been able to watch my darling niece Canada play Basketball... She is so darling, I am so proud of her! I hope I haven't embarrassed her too much at the games. It's really not my fault, I was born into a family of yellers! ESPECIALLY at ball games!

And I wouldn't want to forget the SNOW. It has surely kept us busy...
So that's all for now... I need a nap!


Amanda said...

Looks like you are having such a great time! I am so happy for you guys to be "home" but I miss you here tons. There really isn't anything to do here now!

Kandace said...

Oh Edward...I miss him so much!!! Thanks for letting me talk about him with you. Yes, we are pretty much geeks...oh well. I still can't wait to meet Stephenie Meyers. I think she would like to be our new best friend.I have loved being with you and your amazing family. Thanks for coming home!!!

Mercy said...

What fun to be surrounded by family again - do you feel like you have to pinch yourself - you prayed and dreamed of being back in Utah - and now you are - my best wishes for your natural happiness to return and thrive!