Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Step right up folks...

Yes, another eventful week with the Doezie fam...
Hallie's school had their yearly carnival and we were lucky enough to take her to it!

Is there some prerequisite dress code you must follow before attending a carnival?
I believe there is and this is how the list reads...
1. Five or more tatoos
2. No bra
3. Men in cut off tee shirts and cut off shorts
4. Tee shirts must have some type of beer advertised on it
5. Women must wear clothing three times smaller than they should

But other than all of that, Avery and Hallie had a great time, and really so did Troy and I...
Just watching all those people was definitely worth the 30 bucks!

And if I'm being honest, I fit at least three of those requirements!

Next it was up to LaCaille for family pictures.
But not just the Doezie family it was all of the Aunts and Uncles and cousins etc.

It was a lot of fun and truly you could not ask for a more BEAUTIFUL backdrop!

If you've never been to LaCaille I would highly recommend taking your family and going up there as soon as possible!
You don't even have to eat there, just go walk around the 22 acres of absolutely gorgeous property!

( Where's Waldo or Megan?)
Here's a picture of Kasey and Jaylyn standing in front of the wall of LaCaille fame...
and NO they will NEVER be on this wall!

I don't know if anyone ever notices, but all the pictures I take with my DH look like cheezy engagment pictures...
I love that he'll take pics like this with me...
He's so darling!

After the photo shoot, we were off to the softball field.
Troy, Ty, Tyler, and Papa all play on the same team. It's always so much fun to go to their games. Jett and Avery don't usually watch much of the game but they do have a lot of fun running around the park...

And what better way to end this post than a trip to the
Yes our darling daughter Jay was diagnosed with strep throat. Ok, simple enough? So we took her to the Dr. but after 4 days she wasn't getting better, she was getting worse! So we took her back to the Dr. and the Dr. said she could possibly have an absess? on her throat and she could possibly need surgery to remove it and blah, blah, blah...
basically it was a weekend and we had no other options but to take her to the ER...
and this really wouldn't be a big deal except for the fact that our ER deductible is
RIDICULOUSLY EXPENSIVE and to top it off she was fine! She just needed a stronger dose of penicillin! OUCH!!!
Better safe than sorry, yes...
but we will also be accepting donations...
just send them to the Doezie fam aka the carnies...


Freddie Dawn said...

Being with all that family is the best isn't it?

Kandace said...

The pictures at La Caille are darling. You need to blow some up. I need copies as usual. Jett and Avery at the game...too cute!

Karli said...

all the pics are great. where did you get the dang cute skirt you're wearing in the pic with troy? and, could you give me a step by step on how you apply your eye makeup...it looks all sexy & smoky without looking overdone like it does when i try it. brands, colors, etc. And, if you're alarmed and thinking I'm trying to turn into you, don't be. i just think you are so dang cute and wish i had some of your "mad-cuteness skills..." (:

i'll be in slc monday & tuesday for a friend's wedding with z & g.. we're doing the walk around temple square, etc. on monday. maybe we'll run into you? (:


Nico said...

The girls look beautiful! Everyone looks great! The Doezie family is a good looking bunch!