Honestly, I almost didn't make it!
I don't know what I ever did before I
finally learned how to use the computer? I mean really, it's only been like two years?
I still can't believe I waited so long to learn!
Anyway, it's all fixed up for now
And I really love the computer! I think I'll call him
my boyfriend!
Now back to my husband... That is him, pictured above.
And may I just take a moment to let you all know
that I think my husband is
especially in his baseball uniform!
Yes he is!
I absolutely LOVE~LOVE watching him play baseball!
He always comes over for a little love between innings...
And just to let you know, that's not a big
in his mouth, it's just sunflower seeds...
thank goodness!
AKA 'Happy Valley'
to do some work with his paintings etc...etc...
And it must have sounded really fun
because everyone else wanted to come too!
So my Mom, Dad, Troy, Avery and I
took a trip down south...
We called it a mini~vaca
and we had a wonderful time!
We went to the BYU museum of art
and the Springville Museum of art...
It was awesome! I love looking at art, especially with my Dad
because he knows so much about each piece
and about the artists etc... My parents are so wonderful! It was such a lovely
day, I wish we could do stuff like that
more often!
I love you both so very much!!!
I also need to say how absolutely beautiful
the BYU campus is.
For our next adventure we headed North to SaltLakeCity for a family reunion.
The above picture is of
My Dad, his only living sibling Scott and their
cousin Truman...
My dad's father Shirl and Truman's father Chet
were brothers. They were also in a fire together,
that claimed my Grandpa Shirl's life. My dad was only two years old when he died.
So anyway, the party was wonderful!
We ate delicious food, shared stories of old, and learned
a little more about our family
from another perspective.
Hallie and Avery looking darling, as usual!
They had a great time at the party
playing with cousins they didn't even
know they had!
My sisters Cara & Colby~Me & our Mom...
Finally, we are at the end of this post.
And what would you think of me
if I didn't have a fishing trip to tell about?
Well never fear, because I do in fact have one to tell you about!
Yes~ Troy, Hallie, Avery and I
drove over to Echo Lake
yesterday to fish.
And true to form, we didn't even get a BITE!
Not even a nibble!
Avery thinks fishing means...
A. Drive to water
B. Put out your line
C. Sit around
D. Eat snacks
E. Hear mommy ask daddy how much longer?
F. Hear Daddy say words I will not print...
G. Go home
H. Eat leftovers

and the Springville Museum of art...
It was awesome! I love looking at art, especially with my Dad
because he knows so much about each piece
and about the artists etc... My parents are so wonderful! It was such a lovely
day, I wish we could do stuff like that
more often!
I love you both so very much!!!
I also need to say how absolutely beautiful
the BYU campus is.

The above picture is of
My Dad, his only living sibling Scott and their
cousin Truman...
My dad's father Shirl and Truman's father Chet
were brothers. They were also in a fire together,
that claimed my Grandpa Shirl's life. My dad was only two years old when he died.
So anyway, the party was wonderful!
We ate delicious food, shared stories of old, and learned
a little more about our family
from another perspective.

They had a great time at the party
playing with cousins they didn't even
know they had!

And what would you think of me
if I didn't have a fishing trip to tell about?
Well never fear, because I do in fact have one to tell you about!
Yes~ Troy, Hallie, Avery and I
drove over to Echo Lake
yesterday to fish.
And true to form, we didn't even get a BITE!
Not even a nibble!

A. Drive to water
B. Put out your line
C. Sit around
D. Eat snacks
E. Hear mommy ask daddy how much longer?
F. Hear Daddy say words I will not print...
G. Go home
H. Eat leftovers

loved this post! and, glad you got your computer back and working. thanks for the e-mail-glad you weren't mad at me or something! (:
i love springville-my aunt lives there. glad you had such a fun time with your parents too-they look like amazing people!
How fun to see a picture of my Grandpa on your blog, he's so cute!
Meggy--It's a good thing you blog otherwise I would never get to see you. How about a Chicago Girls dinner next Friday? T-Ho is ready to have a little girlfriend time. Call me, let's plan..
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